He's got a round 2000 HP, and gives 18 EXP. Let's see.Īmlucretia here is our next optional superboss. This Fish Kinda Guy: It'll cost you a lot. This Fish Kinda Guy: Can I help you with something else? Is there something you want to ask me? This Fish Kinda Guy: 'zat so? Then do you have a Gold Topknot? Oh pish posh Watanabe and Son, I've run away 99 times in this chapter and nothing bad's happened to me! Now, normally these statues would be completely useless, but since we have Hiccup, we can read their minds. They use Kuang Zhuan Yan Wu as a counter and as a regular move- it's a fire move that deals some pretty big damage.Īll of these paths have meat scents coming off of them. Their defense and evasion are also high as hell. They drop nothing, have 31 HP, and give 4 EXP.

Welcome, one and all, to the Dungeon of Instinct! Our gimmick today is that there are multiple doors out of every room, and only the correct path has a meat scent coming off of it. There's a meat scent coming off of this specific wall, by the way. Oh, and also? Taro's move parts from Hiccup's chapter also apply to him, so if I had them he could fire projectile chickens. He's got multiple heal moves, a scan move similar to that of the Basic Rock, and a number of movement and status moves. Sphere in battle is very much a support character. Also of note is the fact that he can't equip any weapons. On the bright side, look at that IQ! Wow! I want you to take a good, long look at those stats. This- being up where Orsted and Alicia shared their magical moment together- is where you'll need it. It should be obvious what it's used for by now. As Sunset, Obama, and Li, it's called an Iron Box. This item was picked up a while back on Hero Mountain. Part 74: Final Chapter - The Final Chapter Round 2- There Might Be Puzzles Involved The Final Chapter Round 2- There Might Be Puzzles Involved